As you all may know, Last friday was my beloved sister's birthday! It was her 21st, yupp Twenty-One!
As me being the lil sister of her, i went shopping with boyfie months ago looking for the-perfect-gift! :D
We went to tonnes of shop looking into necklace, earrings, pendants, watches, perfume etc. YOU NAME IT. Gosh, never thought of buying a pressie for sister could be THIS difficult.
AND YEAH! found the right one in Tiff & Co. it's what she said she like, a "horse shoe" pendant in gold! and it cost me for 3000! wth! *lemme check again, nope, no extra zeros. Goshh, i would need to save like months. *GAVE UP TOTALLLYYY* then, went in to Channel, yea, as usual, THEY WOULDNT LIKE TALK TO ME AT ALLLL. =='' fine! Running into all the shops of the twin towers, went into Fossil in the end! AND THERE'S THIS CUTE LIL SILVER PENDANT! Horse shoe too! omg, and its only 300 bucks! omggg, wanted to buy so desperately called my mom to ask her whether its okay and guess what she said? 300 bucks add abit, buy watch better lah! ==''
THEN, i looked at all the watches, hmmmmmmm. OKIE DECISION HAS BEEN MADE. My mom's "abit" cost me for 190? wth. lol. *heart-ache* *vomitttt blooodd*
Ze watch! <3 *picture was taken on that day itself |
Ze cake of the day! made by my cousie <3 *ze best cake everrr :D
dad doing the tip-toe thingy standing beside sis, aww so cute! hahah. DONT GET FOOLED! she is wearing 6inch heels!
Mom w/ sis <3
Sister & i <3
Kids-of-the-day! <3
*spot me on the right carrying baby shermaine :)
*fuhh, sweating. Hottest man of the day! :D
Uncle-aunty portrait hahah :D
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♬ Happy Birthday To Youu~ |
*sis blowing the candles while everyone rush to the fireworks! LOL.
My baby Anson! Big boy already! <3
& the cute lil dino that goes everywhere and shout "ROARRR!"
Me with the famous Apple! :D
Both of my ipoh mama and ipoh baba <3
Mwahahahaha Javin kiss me! :D
*peeking through all the pressiess!
Pressies of the day!
& Ang pausss! *spot the watch! gwahaha :D
STEALLLL! *hop hop hop
Guamuahahahahahahah :D